School of Arts & Sciences

Associate of Arts in General Studies

A.A. in General Studies

This degree will offer any prospective student the foundation of general education that is required for all BA degrees from a Christian perspective. Therefore, it is a great degree choice for students who have not yet decided in which career path God is leading them. It also offers students a biblical foundation and a choice of twelve electives that can be applied to any B.A. degree that is offered at The Baptist College of Florida. So, students who know what career path God is leading them in can potentially receive two degrees from Baptist University of Florida in 4 years.

What to Expect

Students will learn reading, writing, communication, and critical thinking skills under the General Foundation courses.  Students will also gain knowledge of biblical teachings from the Old and New Testaments as well as becoming more appreciative of Southern Baptist life and learning how to grow as a Christian.  The twelve electives required for this degree can be any courses of special interest to the student.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

General Electives

General Electives (12 hours)

Program Purpose

Designed for students who desire a basic two-year degree in general studies with emphasis on general education and basic Bible courses.

A. A. in General Studies Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Arts in History and Social Studies

B.A. in History and Social Studies Program

The Bachelor of Arts in History and Social Studies provides general knowledge and understanding of the people, places, events, and causes that God has used to move mankind in history toward the final culmination of His will. This major is suitable for students who desire to take a Christian worldview into various history-related fields and for students who intend to continue studies at the graduate level.

What to Expect

Students will learn about the various periods of history from creation to modern times and will see how God has used historical events to shape people’s understanding of Him and His will. They will learn about various people groups around the world to understand how Christians can impact other cultures with the gospel message.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Specializations within General Education Foundation
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 (3 hours)
HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present (3 hours)
HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts AND one Literature Survey Course OR HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century (3 hours)

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

BUS 202. Communication for the Workplace (3 hours)
HI 200. History of Economic Thought (3 hours)
HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction (3 hours)
HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present (3 hours)
HI 225. U. S. Government (3 hours)
HI 226. History of American Social Development (3 hours) OR SOC 201. Introduction to Sociology (3 hours)
HI 301. Twentieth-century American History (3 hours)
HI 302. Roman History (3 hours)
HI 303. English History (3 hours)
HI 304. Christian History (3 hours)
HI 306. Geography (3 hours)
HI 410. History of the Middle East (3 hours)
HI 415. Florida History (3 hours)
HI 420. Archives Management (3 hours) AND HI 450. Semester Archival Internship (6 hours) OR HI 405. History of Southern Baptists (3 hours) AND PHI 402. Contemporary Ethical Issues (3 hours)
MI 205. History of Christian Missions (3 hours)
MI 404. World Religions (3 hours)

MAJOR....................................................54 SEM/HOURS


ELECTIVES ..............................................18 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • High school and community college history teachers
  • Government historian
  • Political advisor
  • Museum curator
  • Archivist
  • Pre-law studies

Program Purpose

The History and Social Studies major is designed to provide knowledge and understanding of the people, places, events, and causes from the past in the context of a Christian worldview. The degree also provides a foundation for the continued study in history and other related fields at the graduate level.

B.A. in History and Social Studies Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

B.A. in Psychology Program

A degree in psychology will prepare students for ministry in the church, the mission field, or in counseling service organizations, focusing on the promotion of spiritual, mental, emotional, behavioral, and relational health.  

What to Expect

The Psychology program focuses on helping others by supporting healthy thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships.  The content of the program is presented from a Christian worldview, challenging students to consider the foundational contributions of the Scripture when assessing what healthy looks like in the practical sense. The Psychology program is also intended to support the research and interpersonal skills needed for success at the graduate level, as many careers in this field will require further education beyond an undergraduate degree.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Specializations within General Education Foundation STA 300

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Biblical/Theological Concentration (18 hours)
BI 212. Biblical Hermeneutics (3 hours)
Any 6 hours of BI, OT, NT courses (6 hours)
PHI 201. Introduction to Christian Worldview (3 hours)
TH 301. Christian Doctrine I (3 hours)
TH 302. Christian Doctrine II (3 hours)

Psychology Concentration (39 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (included in General Education Foundation)
PSY 307. Developmental Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 310. The Psychology of Learning and Teaching (3 hours)
PSY 330. Marriage and Family (3 hours)
PSY 335. Personality Theory (3 hours)
PSY 340. Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy (3 hours)
PSY 370. Abnormal Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 380. Psychological Tests and Measurement (3 hours)
PSY 390. Techniques in Counseling and Psychotherapy (3 hours)
PSY 400. Research Design and Methodology (3 hours)
PSY 410. Social Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 415. Physiological Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 440. Psychology Field Experience (3 hours)
PSY 490. Directed Research (3 hours)

MAJOR....................................................57 SEM/HOURS

General Electives

GENERAL ELECTIVES .............................12 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Pastoral counselor 
  • Mental health counselor 
  • Chaplaincy 
  • Social worker 
  • Hospice care 
  • Psychologist 
  • Behavioral analyst 
  • Foster care and adoption specialist 
  • Crisis pregnancy care 
  • Children and families case worker 

Program Purpose

The mission of the Psychology program is to provide the essential courses in psychology and counseling that prepare the student to be able to verbalize a counseling theory and practice that is fully integrated with a Christian worldview, demonstrate the interpersonal, research, and diagnostic skills necessary for enrollment in a graduate program in the psychology and counseling field, and demonstrate the knowledge necessary to serve as a promoter of mental, emotional, and behavioral health.

B.A. in Psychology Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Services

Available Fall 2025 Pending SACSCOC Approval

B.S. in Allied Health Services

The Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Studies is a STEM program designed to prepare students to pursue further education and training in various health fields. This degree provides an opportunity for students to take prerequisite courses for professional allied health schools such as nursing, medical, physician’s assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or other medical fields of study, while receiving a background in the health education field.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation (33 sem/hours)

Specializations within General Education Foundation:

SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science (3 hours)

Other courses (30 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Core Coursework

  • AHS 201. Introduction to Allied Health (3 hours)
  • AHS 204. Medical Terminology (3 hours)
  • STA 300. Statistics (3 hours)
  • SCI 204. Introduction to Chemistry (3 hours)
  • SCI 300. Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab (4 hours)
  • AHS 210. Introduction to Public Health (3 hours)
  • SCI 301. Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab (4 hours)
  • SCI 302. Chemistry for Health Science Professionals (3 hours)
  • AHS 301. Human Disease and Pathology (3 hours)
  • AHS 304. Healthcare Communication (3 hours)
  • AHS 307. Healthcare Ethics and Laws (3 hours)
  • AHS 310. Nutrition and Wellness (3 hours)
  • AHS 313. Pharmacology for Allied Health (3 hours)
  • AHS 316. Health Information Systems and Technology (3 hours)
  • AHS 319. Healthcare Leadership and Management (3 hours)
  • AHS 401. Patient Care and Safety (3 hours)
  • AHS 404. Cultural Competence in Healthcare (3 hours)
  • SCI 303. Introduction to Physics (3 hours)
  • AHS 407. Evidence-Based Practice in Allied Health (3 hours)
  • AHS 410. Population Health and Disease Prevention (3 hours)
  • AHS 413. Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Techniques (3 hours)
  • AHS 480. Capstone in Allied Health (4 hours)
  • AHS 490. Practicum/Internship (6 hours)


Core Coursework Total.............75 SEM/HOURS

Total (123 Sem/Hours)

Total .............................123 SEM/HOURS

B.S. in Allied Health Services Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity

Available Fall 2025 Pending SACSCOC Approval

B.S. in Cybersecurity

The Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity program is designed to provide students with a robust understanding of the methods and tools used to secure digital infrastructures. The program will emphasize technical skills, risk management, legal and ethical considerations, and real-world applications of cybersecurity strategies. Students will be equipped to pursue careers in cybersecurity operations, network defense, and information security management.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation (33 sem/hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Core Coursework

  • CSCY 101. Introduction to Cybersecurity (3 hours)
  • CSCY 110. Networking Fundamentals (3 hours)
  • CSCY 120. Operating Systems Security (3 hours)
  • CSCY 210. Cryptography (3 hours)
  • CSCY 220. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (3 hours)
  • CSCY 230. Cyber Defense and Countermeasures (3 hours)
  • CSCY 310. Cybersecurity Risk Management and Governance (3 hours)
  • CSCY 320. Cybersecurity Law and Ethics (3 hours)
  • CSCY 330. Incident Response and Forensics (3 hours)
  • CSCY 340. Cloud Security (3 hours)
  • CSCY 410. Advanced Network Security (3 hours)
  • CSCY 420. Secure Software Development (3 hours)
  • CSCY 430. Security Operations and SIEM (3 hours)
  • CSCY 450. Capstone Project in Cybersecurity (3 hours)


Core Coursework Total.............60 SEM/HOURS

Core Electives (Choose Three)

Choose Three:

  • CSCY 470. Mobile Device Security (3 hours)
  • CSCY 480. Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (3 hours)
  • CSCY 490. Blockchain and Security (3 hours)
  • CSCY 499. Cybersecurity Internship (3 hours)

Total.............................12 Sem/Hours

Total (120 Sem/Hours)

Total .............................120 SEM/HOURS

B.S. in Cybersecurity Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Master of Arts in Counseling

M.A. in Counseling Program

A master's degree in counseling will prepare students to provide leadership in the promotion of spiritual, mental, emotional, behavioral, and relational health through pastoral counseling or other counseling ministry programs.

What to Expect

The Counseling degree focuses on developing leaders who provide soul care and counseling in church and ministry contexts. The content of the program is presented from a Christian worldview, challenging students to consider the foundational contributions of Scripture when encouraging growth toward healthier thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and relationships.

Degree Requirements

CO 500. Issues and Ethics in Counseling (3 hours)
CO 510. Counseling & Spirituality Integration (3 hours)
CO 520. Counseling Models & Strategies (3 hours)
CO 530. Counseling Skills & Techniques (3 hours)
CO 540. Group Dynamics (3 hours)
CO 550. Multicultural Counseling (3 hours)
CO 560. Marriage & Family Counseling (3 hours)
CO 570. Addiction & Recovery (3 hours)
CO 580. Community & Crisis Counseling (3 hours)
CO 590. Case Management (3 hours)

TOTAL.............................................................. 30 HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Pastoral counselor
  • Chaplaincy
  • Hospice care
  • Foster care and adoption specialist
  • Crisis pregnancy care

Program Purpose

The Master of Arts in Counseling is a practice-oriented degree designed to equip students with counseling skills for use in ministry, missions or any human services career where counseling is practiced without a professional license. Interpersonal helping skills and counseling models are anchored in a Christian worldview, for the purpose of developing the spiritual, mental, emotional, behavioral, and relational well-being of others.

M.A. in Counseling Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)
  3. GRE examination (if undergrad GPA was 2.5 or lower)
  4. Master of Arts in Counseling (MACO) applicants must possess a regionally accredited baccalaureate degree in psychology. Applicants who possess a regionally accredited baccalaureate degree in another field of study must complete 18 hours of specified leveling courses before beginning graduate coursework.

Master of Science in Computer Science

Pending SACSCOC Approval

Master of Science in Computer Science

The Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) is a STEM program composed of 30 semester hours. Combining theory and practice, the program prepares students to meet the growing demand of the many disciplines of Computer Science. Successful applicants will have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field from an accredited institution with a strong background in mathematics and programming. The MSCS program is offered in two formats: a hybrid offering at the BUF Miami - Hialeah campus and a fully online offering.

Course Prerequisites: Undergraduate CS/CIS major or approved work experience by program coordinator

Core Courses (30 Hours)

  • CS 6300. Software Engineering (3 hours)


  • CS 6310. Advanced Database (3 hours)


  • CS 6330. Advanced Programming Languages (3 hours)


  • CS 6370. Advanced Operating Systems (3 hours)


  • CS 6380. Artificial Intelligence (3 hours)


  • CS 6390. Advanced Topics in Computer Networking (3 hours)


  • CS 6120. Cyber Security (3 hours)


  • CS 6040. Current and Emerging Technology (3 hours)


  • CS 6090. Disaster Recovery Planning (3 hours)


  • CS 6080. Cyberlaw, Regulations, and Compliance (3 hours)

TOTAL: 30 hours

Master of Science in Computer Science Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)
  3. Undergraduate CS/CIS major or approved work experience by program coordinator

Master of Science in Data Science

Pending SACSCOC Approval

Master of Science in Data Science

The Master of Science in Data Science is a STEM program designed to prepare students as Christian servant leaders for life-long learning, continued scholarship by linking discovery research to knowledge and practical application in the workplace, fostering active participation in a diverse global society, and preparing students for further study at the doctoral level.

Core Courses (30 Hours)

  • DS 6100. Technical Writing (3 hours)
  • DS 6110. Introduction to Machine Learning (3 hours)
  • DS 6120. Project Management Analytics (3 hours)
  • DS 6130. Big Data Analytics (3 hours)
  • DS 6140. Design Thinking (3 hours)
  • DS 6150. Data Mining and Warehousing (3 hours)
  • DS 6160. Ethical Issues for Data Science (3 hours)
  • DS 6180. Transforming the Global Supply (3 hours)
  • DS 6190. Blockchain Technology (3 hours)
  • DS 6210. Business Project in Big Data (Capstone)

TOTAL: 30 hours

Master of Science in Data Science Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)

Master of Science in Health Informatics

Available Fall 2025 Pending SACSCOC Approval

Master of Science in Health Informatics

The Master of Science in Health Informatics program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage data and technology in the healthcare sector. Including foundational concepts, practical applications, and ethical considerations, the program combines principles from information technology, healthcare, and management to prepare graduates for leadership roles in health informatics.

Core Courses (30 Hours)

Note: With the exception of the Capstone course, MSHI courses can be taken in any order.

  • MHI 5001. Introduction to Health Informatics (3 hours)
  • MHI 5004. Population Health in the USA (3 hours)
  • MHI 5007. Digital Health (3 hours)
  • MHI 5010. Healthcare Data Analytics (3 hours)
  • MHI 5013. Healthcare Databases (3 hours)
  • MHI 5016. Health Information Ethics (3 hours)
  • MHI 6001. Healthcare Leadership (3 hours)
  • MHI 6004. Patient Safety and Quality of Care Management (3 hours)
  • MHI 6007. Health Informatics and Telehealth (3 hours)
  • MHI 6090. Health Informatics Capstone (3 hours)

TOTAL: 30 hours

Master of Science in Health Informatics Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)


Degrees by Academic Division



SCHOOL of Arts & Sciences


Spangenberg School of Business


School of Music & Worship


School of Education


School of Theology & MINISTRY


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